How Tall Is Josh Dun Twenty One Pilot Funny

  • This gem from "Slowtown":

    Put cards on our spokes and make our engine sounds like traffic

  • "Migraine" is about Tyler's struggle with depressing thoughts, but its tone and imagery is playful and sometimes quite funny, most noticeably when he strays into a characteristic bit of Suddenly Shouting followed by an immediate reserved apology.


    Pardon me for yelling...

  • Likewise, "Not Today" has this gem:




    ...I'm sorry.

  • "False Sense of Sweetness". A very young Tyler and friends throw various objects at a cardboard box. Tyler misses the target by several feet and sends a knife flying through the window, leaving a perfect hole in the glass.
  • "TB Saga", a six minute mashup of parody songs about Taco Bell performed by Tyler and some of his high school friends. Stylistic Suck abounds.
  • The Lip Sync video. It consists entirely of Tyler and his brother, Zack, lip syncing and dancing to pop songs. Exactly why it exists is unclear, which really only makes it funnier.
  • The "Happy Wheels" video. note It's kind of gory.
    • Tyler and Josh are definitely not on a bed. They're at the pool, with like three other chicks, who Josh is attracted to.
  • "Coconut Sharks in the Water". Just try to watch it without smiling.
  • During one concert, Tyler asked for a phone to take a picture of the audience after playing "Car Radio". One fan handed him an actual car radio.

    Tyler: Finally! Now I can listen to music.

  • Tyler's struggle with finding a cool way to hold a ukulele.
  • Twenty One Pilots: Down on the Farm is comic gold from start to finish.
    • The boys' general City Mouse attitude, particularly their despair at a lack of WiFi, which leads Josh to go wandering alone out into a field looking for a signal.
    • Their continued insistence on wearing their Cool Shades indoors... which is later validated (or, at least, is claimed to be), when it keeps pig spit out of Tyler's eyes.
    • Tyler's understated I Am the Band attitude.

      Ben: It's a two person cab, but only one person can drive it.

      • Josh's subsequent use of this to get out of driving the truck.
    • Tyler admits to the camera that he acts more important than Josh out of jealousy and sings praises of his character and talent. Josh begins to say something similar, but gets cut off by Tyler telling him to get back to work.
  • Ride Swap with Vinyl Theatre. Tyler and Josh check out their opening band's van, while Vinyl Theater explores their tour bus.
    • Vinyl Theatre confidently gives a tour of the bus, even though they don't know where anything is located and can't even open the doors and cabinets.
    • Vinyl Theatre's Josh lays down the rules of the bus bathroom.

    Josh: If you break it, you buy it. No number twos. You can take a shower if you want, but there's just a sink, gotta make due with what you got.

    • Tyler and Josh describe all the interesting things that show up in an opener van with great enthusiasm, including (but not limited to) a One Direction journal, an old, broken cooler (or "holder") containing two ancient Coke cans, Anti Monkey Butt Powder, a can of Ultra Duster, wipes, peroxide, underwear, and a neon green hat bearing the slogan "Rolling with the Homies". The duo try their hand at making some marketing slogans for them to pass the time.

    Anti Monkey Butt Powder: You can't go wrong with a little Donkey Kong.

    Wet Ones: Keeping things wet since 1988.

    Hanes Undertees: If you don't got brains, you don't got Hanes.

  • Josh changed his Twitter username to "Spooky Josh" note A Shout-Out to The X-Files ("Spooky Mulder") as Josh is a fan. for October 2014. After October was over, he was flooded with people tweeting him telling to change his name since Halloween was over... so he changed it to "Spooky Jim".
  • For some reason, a German TV program once asked Tyler and Josh to act out the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet... in German. The results were humorous.
    • After hilariously stumbling through the German script, Tyler doesn't recognize "Capulet" as the original English name and pronounces it as "Capoolet". He is immediately corrected by Josh.
  • While touring in Australia, Tyler is attacked by a bird and Josh greets a chill kangaroo.
  • During the 2015 VMAs, the band was seated two rows behind Kanye West. One of the "moments" of the evening was Kanye dancing to The Weeknd. In all videos/gifs of this, the band are visible behind him. While Jenna, Josh, and Halsey note Whom Josh brought as his date all seem fairly normal, if a little bored, Tyler looks incredibly uncomfortable. The following day, Buzzfeed put up a "Which Audience Member Sitting Behind Dancing Kanye Are You?" quiz. Unfortunately whoever made the quiz was unfamiliar with the band and not only mistook Jenna for a seat filler (and Halsey for Ruby Rose), but ended up making Tyler's result "That guy who just fucking hates Kanye". note The fanbase made enough noise about this in the comment section that the quiz was later updated to correct all three of these mistakes. There was also, unfortunately, no Josh result.
  • Tyler and Josh ran a poll on Twitter where fans could vote for one of them to tattoo his name onto the other onstage. Accompanying this was an extensive faux-presidential campaign involving cheesy slogans, petty attack ads, and a series of debates over serious issues like putting Red Bull in school vending machines, integrating Twitter and Instagram, and eliminating social media advertisements. note The poll resulted in a 50/50 tie, so they both tattooed each other.
    • This gem:

    Tyler: -but when I see someone with an egg profile pic, they don't matter!

    Josh: But my stance is that they do matter. And so do you. Vote for Josh Dun.

    • One of Tyler's attack ads:

    Tyler: My name's Tyler Joseph and I approve this message. note Josh would later protest this as a blatant falsehood.

    • Also from one of Tyler's ads:

    Voice-Over: Josh Dun: an enthusiastic show drummer. But does he know the lyrics to his own songs? Well... he knows, like, "Holding On To You" because he's been playing it for so many years. But the other stuff? No.

    • That being said, Josh's attacks had some great humor too.

    Voice-Over: Tyler Joseph says he will get everyone verified on Twitter. But do you know who's not verified on Twitter? His entire family.

    Josh: My name is Josh Dun and I approve this message.

  • Tyler and Josh's trip to Disney World is Adorkable nonsense from start to finish.
  • Tyler and his family's HarlemShake video. Planking Papa Joseph is the kicker.
  • During the 2016 Emotional Roadshow, Tyler, Josh, and opening bands Mutemath and Chef'Special covered CĂ©line Dion's "My Heart Will Go On". The fact that they played the Titanic song with complete sincerity is funny itself, but Josh brought it over the top by replicating the film's most famous scene by standing in front of Tyler, arms spread Kate Winslet-style, at the song's high note.
  • Near the end of "The Judge" during the chorus, you can hear Tyler shouting "JOSH DUN!" in the background.
    • He even does it during live performances, too.
  • David McCreary's interview of Tyler and Josh. (Full disclosure: McCreary is friends with both from their home church, and Tyler has collaborated with him in a few comedy acts, so the interview is staged for maximum awkwardness.)
    • At the start, David claims that Josh's name is Todd, even when he and Tyler both try to correct him.
    • Next, David ends up taking the band name a bit too literally.

      David: Do we just wait for the rest of the guys, or...?
      Tyler (to Josh): He thinks there's more people.
      Josh: More people in the band?
      David: Yeah.
      Tyler: There's just two of us.
      David: Well, there should be... nineteen more.
      (Josh facepalms)
      Tyler: Oh, there it is. That's a good joke.

  • For Christmas 2016, Tyler joined some friends at his home church to perform a few parodies of standard Christmas Songs, with Tyler in full Deadpan Snarker mode.
  • On a select number of tour dates on the 2017 Emotional Roadshow, Tyler put aside part of the show to play Mario Kart with a fan onstage.
  • When they won a Grammy Award for "Stressed Out" in 2017, Tyler and Josh seemingly inexplicably took off their pants before taking the stage in boxer briefs. Tyler then gave his rationale for the decision in his acceptance speech, which is equal parts silly and heartwarming:

    "It was a few years ago, and it was before Josh and I were able to make money playing music, and I called him up, and I said, 'Hey, Josh, do you want to come over to my rental house and watch the Grammys?' And he said, 'Yeah, who's hanging there?', and I said, 'It's a couple of my roommates, just come and watch the Grammys with us.' As we were watching, we noticed that every single one of us was in our underwear. And seriously, Josh turned to me — we were no one at the time — he turned to me and said, 'You know, if we ever go to the Grammys, if we ever win a Grammy...we should receive it just like this.'"

  • Tyler and Jenna's wedding dance. Words can't really do it justice.
  • Josh has now become aware of how nigh-impractically bright his hair can be.
  • Josh may have just confirmed himself as a fan of h3h3productions.
  • After a year-long social media hiatus from both Josh and Tyler, Josh finally broke the silence with two tweets:


    Sorry about all that. Tyler and I were tying to decide which one of us is still in the band and who is out etc. I think we got it sorted now

    • Tyler responded with an equally ridiculous excuse:
  • This twitter exchange:


  • Trench was released on the same week as the A Star Is Born (2018) soundtrack. The band acknowledged this with this tweet.
  • At a festival show in Quebec, Tyler asked Josh if he'd be willing to sing "Can't Help Falling In Love" with him. Josh jokingly replied he would if he would still be allowed to sit. Cue a duet with Josh sitting on Tyler's shoulders.
  • Tyler and Jenna attended a 2019 Halloween party as Cindy Lou Who and the Grinch. Tyler shaved his legs for the part .
  • Tyler's younger brother Jay streams on Twitch and jokingly set a subscriber stretch goal to dye his hair blonde and dress as Guy Fieri for Halloween. Tyler didn't hesitate to use his platform.
  • The music video for "Saturday" includes the original song's clip of Tyler talking to Jenna about finishing working on a song rather than go to watch Friends, despite the music video taking place on a sinking submarine. Tyler takes the call while up to his chest in water and Josh attempts to tape up holes in the hull in the background. The scene is punctuated by Josh "stealing" Tyler's subsequent high-note, complete with a dramatic zoom.
  • While shooting motion capture footage for their Roblox concert, Josh took a bathroom break… with his suit still on. Every movement of his got captured by the motion capture software.


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